the code for the editor is just so old, it doesnt recognize that css as valid css
no extra css is needed
the color will always depend on whats beneath the text
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the code for the editor is just so old, it doesnt recognize that css as valid css
no extra css is needed
the color will always depend on whats beneath the text
ok if you update lay theme now, go to customize → intro.
here u will find:
in here, you can add the html code of your video
you'd need to write custom css for that video to be sized properly and for it to have the correct placement inside the intro
if you want i can help you with this but first u'd need to add your html there and then post the link to the website
about having a video background for the website:
you'd need to add your video html markup in:
lay options → custom css & html → custom html at bottom
then you'd need to write css to position that video correctly
i can also help u with that, but first you'd need to add the html there and then post a link to your website here
im working on a feature where you can add html into an intro pls wait a little
is there a plugin that works with lay theme (like but I didnt find a way to make it work)
you mean you want a video as a background for the whole website?
i see!
looking at it, it seems like the current projectindex element is hidden when you arrive on the page.
can you go to lay options → scroll all the way down.
you will find:
"Hide current Project from Thumbnailgrid & Project Index Elements"
make sure to uncheck this:
does it work now?
ah clever! did that work?
for site title:
mix-blend-mode: difference;
and you need to set the site title to white font too!
I think if you had a black background website maybe you need to set the texts to black not sure about that!
for menus:
.laynav desktop-nav{
mix-blend-mode: difference;
Enter this css in "lay options" -> "custom css & html" -> "custom css for desktop"
but you have to use a white color font for your menu items.
in customize → menu style → primary menu → text color
and possibly in
in customize → menu style → menu point active → text color
in customize → menu style → menu point mouseover → text color
you can also try to use the plugin:
really simple ssl
after you installed and activated the plugin, in the plugin settings, there is some button to enable it
hey so if your images are "place freely"
then if you add a row on top, it wont actually change the position of the place freely items. it will only add a row.
can you check if this is the case for u please