script not working since laytheme 3.2
script not working since laytheme 3.2
Dear @Marius @mariusjopen and @Armin-Unruh @arminunruh,
since major update 3.2 my little script (pic randomly a video from a list and play it at background) is not running anymore. it’s placed in the field "Custom HTML at bottom"
can you pls help?
<3here is the script code
<script> jQuery(function() { var $videoElement; var numberOfMillisecondsBetweenVideoSwitches = 24000; // 10 seconds var currentVideoIndex = 0; var listOfVideoSources = [ "", "", "", "ße.mp4", "", "", "", "", "", ] function shuffle(array) { var currentIndex = array.length, temporaryValue, randomIndex; // While there remain elements to shuffle... while (0 !== currentIndex) { // Pick a remaining element... randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * currentIndex); currentIndex -= 1; // And swap it with the current element. temporaryValue = array[currentIndex]; array[currentIndex] = array[randomIndex]; array[randomIndex] = temporaryValue; } return array; } function playVideo(event) { $videoElement[0].play() } function loadRandomVideo() { if(currentVideoIndex >= listOfVideoSources.length) { currentVideoIndex = 0 shuffle(listOfVideoSources) } if(!$videoElement) { $videoElement = jQuery("#cover-region .background-video video") $videoElement.on("loadeddata", playVideo) } $videoElement.find('source').attr('src', listOfVideoSources[currentVideoIndex]) $videoElement[0].load() currentVideoIndex += 1 } // randomize list of videos shuffle(listOfVideoSources) // choose a random one to start // loadRandomVideo("") // in numberOfMillisecondsBetweenVideoSwitches choose a different video setInterval(loadRandomVideo, numberOfMillisecondsBetweenVideoSwitches) }) </script>
Dear @albrecht
is there a way that you can isolate the problem? Does the script get called?
Use console.log("TEST");Best!
Marius -
Dear @mariusjopen
found the Problem (with friend of an real dev guy) ;)
needed to change this
jQuery("#cover-region .background-video video")
jQuery(".cover-region .background-video video")
Dear @albrecht
Perfect! Glad to hear!
Many wishes!
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