Overlay pages are loading at the bottom of the page and cut off:
Screenshot shows: when you scroll all the way to the bottom all the overlays included in the page are stacked below the page content.To fix I had to add:
/* overlay fix */ .lay-overlay { top: 0; position: fixed; z-index: 9999; display: none; } .lay-overlay-bg { z-index: 9998; top: 0 !important; position: fixed; } .lay-overlay-bg.lay-show-overlay-bg { width: 100%; height: 100%; } .lay-show-overlay { display: block; }
An OK fix but now you can't scroll always within the overlays. It's a weird bug - it doesnt happen in Edge on Windows, or Firefox on Mac. But Chrome it's happening on both.
url: joshsender.com
Figured it out! It's the plugin: WP Fastest Cache.
Disabled and it works without the fix. Heads-up because I know that plugin is recommended in the https://laytheme.com/documentation/speeding-up-your-website.html documentation.
@joshsender No settings within WP Fastest Cache can be toggled for it to work. It has to be off or the Overlays load below the page and won't work.
hey this code seems to create an error:
jQuery(document).scroll(function() { var currentTop = window.pageYOffset / 1; for (var i = 0; blocksArr.length; i++) { var currentElementTop = jQuery(blocksArr[i]).offset().top; var hash = jQuery(blocksArr[i]).attr('id');
probably better to do:
if( jQuery(blocksArr[i]).length > 0 ) {
var hash = jQuery(blocksArr[i]).attr('id');
}maybe the plugin works if you activate it and then find the button to purge the cache
@arminunruh Ooooh - tried that but to no avail! Also just commented out that whole janky scrolling script and the issue still happens if the WP Fastest Cache plugin is enabled. Cleared cache through the plugin as well! I swear!
mmmh interesting! :O
@arminunruh For now disabling the WP Fastest Cache.
Thank you SO MUCH for all the work on the overlay. its super super cool :pray:
Before you post:
- When using a WordPress Cache plugin, disable it or clear your cache.
- Update Lay Theme and all Lay Theme Addons
- Disable all Plugins
- Go to Lay Options → Custom CSS & HTML, click "Turn Off All Custom Code", click "Save Changes"
This often solves issues you might run into
When you post:
- Post a link to where the problem is
- Does the problem happen on Chrome, Firefox, Safari or iPhone or Android?
- If the problem is difficult to explain, post screenshots / link to a video to explain it