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    yea it was some custom css problem

  • Scroll to anchor

    General Discussion
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    10 Posts

    Hi Arne,

    I think there is no clean solution for this. You will have to find a workaround.

    I tried this and it worked:
    I created a link like this in a html textbox in the gridder:

    <a name="chapter4"></a>

    0_1498082353669_Bildschirmfoto 2017-06-21 um 23.58.23.png

    Then I added #chapter4to the end domain and it jumped down to the anchor.

    You will probably need to build an extra navigation which has the ````#ancors````` in the end of the url.

    Like in the example I sent you in the beginning.

    I hope that was not too confusing :-)



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  4. Go to Lay Options → Custom CSS & HTML, click "Turn Off All Custom Code", click "Save Changes"

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