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    2 Posts

    hey steve,
    I'm not sure if i see a different website because I'm not logged in or something like that, but as I mentioned in other posts it seems that the website you are referencing doesn't have lay theme installed from my point of view.
    This is what i see:

    Screen Shot 2016-07-18 at 15.48.12.png

    For doing style changes it's best to use the fields in "Lay Options" -> "Custom CSS and HTML"

    There you have the fields "custom css for desktop" and "custom css for phone".
    If you want to create a style that applies to both desktop and phone you could add your style in a <style> tag like this to the field "Custom <head> content":

    <style> .hello{ opacity: 0.5; } </style>

    I'm not sure what you did with the original style.css file but if you delete the first few lines of that file the theme will probably not work right because in those lines there's vital info about the theme like name, version etc. (that's standardized by wordpress)

  • 0 Votes
    2 Posts

    Hey Steve!

    At the moment it seems that another theme is activated and not Lay Theme.
    What error did you see?
    If you like you can send me the login data of your wordpress admin panel and a link to this post so I can take a closer look to

Before you post:
  1. When using a WordPress Cache plugin, disable it or clear your cache.
  2. Update Lay Theme and all Lay Theme Addons
  3. Disable all Plugins
  4. Go to Lay Options → Custom CSS & HTML, click "Turn Off All Custom Code", click "Save Changes"

This often solves issues you might run into

When you post:
  1. Post a link to where the problem is
  2. Does the problem happen on Chrome, Firefox, Safari or iPhone or Android?
  3. If the problem is difficult to explain, post screenshots / link to a video to explain it
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