Bug on Desktop Row Gutter
thanks i just got your link
it seems that the size of the video is wrongly calculated by wordpress :/
this seems to be a reoccuring issue where wordpress doesnt read the videos aspect ratio correctly. the space that get assigned for the video is too big then.try this css please
.thumbs-collection-region .ph{ padding-bottom: 56.466667%!important; }
in lay options → custom css & html → custom css
ok im taking a look
i see. there was a bug! im surprised i never saw this! i fixed it now and the space should be correct now.
however, i worry about wordpress not getting the correct video size. mh
if you have more videos on your page and they all have the same aspect ratio you can use:
.html5video .ph{ padding-bottom: 56.466667%!important; }
if you insert a video by using gridder +video → +html5 video
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