Front page without site title?
Again thanks for the great work you're doing for us.
I would like to ask if it's possible to have a page as a frontpage without the site title showing?
I would like my front page to be a big version of the logo im using for my site title and then the menu still showing. Then when clicking of one of the things in the menu it goes to that page or category and then the site title shows.Hope you understand my question.
Best regards
Søren -
You can use the chrome inspector to find out the data-id and data-type attributes of the <body> tag of your frontpage and use that to hide your site title with css.Learn about the data- attributes and how to find them here:
Then your css would look something like:
body[data-id="32"][data-type="project"] .sitetitle { display: none; }
Hey Armin,
again highjacking another thread, sorry. :)
So I tried using your code-snippet (the one above) but it still shows the title.
What I would like to do is: I don't want the project/page title to show up. I have a site wide "global" title, a subtitle and an individual page title for each page there is. Is there any way to only show the global site title and the subtitle but not the individual page title for each page? So instead of site title – subtitle – page title it should look like site title – subtitle and that's it. Any way to do that? Your code doesn't seem to be working anymore.
Thanks again, man!
Best regards,
Dennis -
arminunruh Global Moderatorwrote on Mar 30, 2016, 9:38 AM last edited by arminunruh Mar 30, 2016, 5:39 AM
Hey Dennis!
You might want to watch this video to find out how to use the inspector of your browser: you inspect your body element, you will see it has a data-id and data-type attribute.
Then whatever title you want to show or hide you can do:Hide site title only in projects for example:
body[data-type="project"] .sitetitle { display: none; }
If your frontpage is of type "page" and has the id "1", hide the site title:
body[data-type="page"][data-id="1"] .sitetitle { display: none; }
Please note that your frontpage may not have an id of 1 and may not be of type "page". You have to find out which type and id it is by using the inspector of your browser. Also by using the inspector you can find out which CSS classes to use to hide and show things.
Please read this for a walkthrough about using css based on the current page:
Yes, I did exactly that before posting here. Maybe I'm totally in the wrong here. I'm talking about the page title you'd usually see in the browser tab (in this case: "Front page without the site title? | Lay Theme Forum"), not the title ON the particular page. Would that still be right way to get rid of the project title? Because I tried exactly that and it didn't work or rather the title still shows up.
That's the code I tried:
body[data-type="page"] .sitetitle { display: none; }
And this:
body[data-type="page"][data-id="306"] .sitetitle { display: none; }
I'm confused, did we talk at cross purposes?
Thanks again!
Hey Dennis,
There's no way to customize that title :/It's just "Your Website Name" on the frontpage and "Your Website Name" – "Your Project Name".
I think this is a default that makes sense and I didn't create any customization options for that.
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