Collapse row when opening other
Great addition with the collapsible rows! Used custom code before but this is way more practical and doest restrict to the one row under the button.
That being said, is it possible to have a opened row collapse when a new one opens?
I've set up an example where I'd be able to use a summary of services with a collapsible row underneath.
When you click on Graphic Design the matched design services show.
Clicking on a different service should close the previous while opening the new row? Maybe a 'only 1 open row at a time' checkbox in the lay options somewhere?
Remco -
I've seen your new update 'collapse other rows'. This kind of fixes it, thanks!
content moves a little weird from the bottom once you click through the options... Should it close first and open a new row another? Not sure if thats better. -
yea i added that feature and released the update a day ago
yeah i think i need to add another option:
scroll to opened rowbecause the thing is when other rows close it changes the scroll position because it changes the document height
oh actually i think one of your rows might have a different row space so it has a different space at the top or sth
Remco van Dunreplied to arminunruh on Dec 3, 2022, 9:21 AM last edited by Remco van Dun Dec 3, 2022, 4:25 AM
I've updated my Info page with the collapsed subcategories for each service. Thanks, I didn't even notice the top margin jump yet. I was looking at the way the content seem to move up from the bottom if you toggle between the services was odd.
Actually... this would be solved if there was a checkbox 'close other row before opening new row'?
And to make them appear from the same top margin I had to set all the gutters for the rows after the first to 0%. Maybe not how you intended but works for me :)
Actually... this would be solved if there was a checkbox 'close other row before opening new row'?
yea that feature exists now
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