Multiple slides per view (Laytheme Carousel)
I wan't to suggest a new feature for the carousel addon.
I think it would be really good to be able to show multiple slides per view (see video).
I tweaked the laytheme carousel plugin to get this result, but the result is poorly implemented and will probably be lost in the next update, so i'm posting here hoping you could consider implementing later on.
What i did :
I changed the CSS for when "multiple slides" is checked, each slide is sized according to the images. I think I added the "loop" functionnality from flickity to the slider so we could infinite scroll through the slider (wrapAround: true), but maybe it was already there.
The main issue is that we must rezise the slider once images are loaded in order to be clean, if i hit the following command in the console or if I resize the window, everything works fine.
There is also an option within flickity that could solve this issues (imagesLoaded:true). I imported the full flickity.pkgd.js to be able to use it but for some reason it doesn't work. (i'm guessing you did some custom coding there)
I know you are using flickity only if the slider transition is to "slide", I think this is not an issue because it's only with the "slide" option that the "multiple images per view" carousel is interesting.
I hope you would be interesting to add this functionnality !
Hey wow, that's cool that you added this. Yeah I think it is nice, I'm writing it down. I also have to work on making the carousel work fullscreen.
Hey Guys,
I just bought the Carousel AddOn and am looking exactly for the multiple slides per view option.
I cannot find the "multiple slides" check, like you, rsepierre, got it in your video. What do I have to adjust to get it?I'm happy for any help!
Andreas -
hey wow123, the multiple slides was coded by rsepierre, he modified the carousel addon.
I've reworked my code to make it "sort of update proof", this might interest you @wow123
Now all you need to do to have this feature is to add this code to the "Custom HTML at bottom" option in Laytheme parameters
<script> (function() { function layCarouselResize() { layCarousel.sizeCarousels(); layCarousel.sizeCaptions(); layCarousel.repositionSliders(); jQuery(".lay-carousel:not(:hover)").flickity( 'next' ); console.log('custom autoplay'); } setInterval( layCarouselResize, 4000 ); window.Frontend.GlobalEvents.on("projectpageshown", function(a) { setTimeout(function() { jQuery('.lay-carousel').flickity({selectedAttraction: .005, friction: .2 }); /*jQuery('.lay-carousel').on( 'settle.flickity', function() { console.log('slide-end callback'); // callback not working well layCarouselResize(): });*/ }, 100) }); layCarousel.playPauseHtml5Videos = function(a) { var b = a.find(".lay-carousel-slide:not(.is-selected) video"); if (b.each(function() { // this.pause(); // var a = jQuery(this.parentNode).find(".html5video-customplayicon"); // 0 != a.length &&; // var b = jQuery(this.parentNode).find(".html5-video-placeholder-image"); // 0 != b.length && }), !layCarousel.isTouchDevice) { var c = a.find(".lay-carousel-slide video"); 0 != c.length && c[0].play(), c.on("canplay", function() {,"canplay") }) } }; })(); </script> <style> .multiple-slides-view .lay-carousel-slide { width: auto !important; } .multiple-slides-view img.h100 , .multiple-slides-view .video-slide.h100 video { position: relative !important; -webkit-transform: none !important; transform: none !important; -ms-transform: none !important; left: 0 !important; } .multiple-slides-view .slide-inner a, .multiple-slides-view .slide-inner { width: auto !important; position: relative !important; height: 100% !important; } .multiple-slides-view .slide-inner { margin-right: 1vw; } </style>
And then add "multiple-slides-view" class to the row in which you wan't that carrousel, like so :
drawbacks :
flickity used in layTheme is not compatible with "imageloaded", so my "hack" is to update the layout everytime change slide (every 4000ms in my case).
And because the layCarouselResize() updates all carousels at once, i had to create my own autoplay so all carousels are synchronized.
You should then make sure to :
- disable autoplay on the "multiple-slides-view" sliders.
- change the autoplaytime at the following line :
setInterval( layCarouselResize, 4000 );
- change the "transition duration" with friction and attraction custom options at the following line :
jQuery('.lay-carousel').flickity({selectedAttraction: .005, friction: .2 });
Wow that's great! Thanks a lot for the code, works very smooth actually. I cropped all images in the slideshow with css to thumbnails with same height & width – now I'm wondering if it's possible to do the carousel without autoplay (like arrows or hover area on the left/right side) and combine it somehow with Lightbox.
If lightbox plugin is activated for that page, why doesn't it open when clicking on the images in the carousel? does the lightbox ignore those in the carousel? Could it be that there's a workaround for this? -
I was just randomly browsing the forum when I came upon this topic, which is exactly something I've been wishing for. I'd love to try the custom hack (although of course it would also be an amazing addition for a future carousel update, when and if you have time @arminunruh) but for some reason I can't get it to work. Copied in the @rsepierre's code in the right place, added the class to the right row, nothing. What could it be that I'm doing wrong? It has to be something since its working for @maximilianm, hmm...
Thanks for the nifty trick in any case @rsepierre! -
@helen i added the class to the carousel itself, not the row (i think it was the row in rsepierre's example because there the carousel covers the whole row - maybe you try that. :)
@maximilianm thank you for the quick reply! I tried that too earlier but to no avail... So confused :/
@arminunruh hi. is this still planned for an update in the near future? this and the ability to configure unique auto play speeds for each carousel would make the addon that much more powerful.
thanks and keep up the great work!
Hi Curisu!
We are currently working on the new version of Laytheme. It will be embedded in the future. but not sure when exactly.
Good energy!
Hi Lay team! I’m bumping this thread to ask if this has been implemented in any of the updates since this topic was posted? I’m looking to achieve the exact functionality. Thanks!
Dear @david
no updates about the slider with the multiple images.But we have Image-Thumbnail-Grid now.
Hi all,
could need some help. I followed all the steps by @rsepierre (thank you for that!!).
But something is still not right I guess. When landing on the page for the first time the pictures don't load completely. Here's an example:
After refreshing the page it usually looks good. At least on Safari, not always on Firefox.Any idea what I might have missed?
Happy for any help.
ValentinPS. @arminunruh any news about an updated version including this feature?
Ive just tried this and its not working, any ideas guys?
Dear @valentingienger
on Chrome it works. but on Safari it is problematic.We will have a look.
hmm i should add this as a feature. hmm really busy with a few other things right now. might take a while!
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