chuppy transitions since last update
I figured my transitions stopped working properly since the last update. They look very choppy and "unnatural", also having the feeling taking longer than the time I have set.
I use the staggerUp (transition in) and staggerDown (transition hide) with 800ms and for the easing the function 'cubicBezier(.5, 0, 0, 1)'. This looked very smooth before and now looks kind of crappy. I also tried it in different browsers like safari (recent version) and chrome (recent version). Any idea what's wrong here?
do you mean choppy, in slow frame rate, or choppy in: the elements don't move in the way you wanted. like the timing is off
its the latter no?
do you think you can create a screen recording of how it is now,
then go to and download an older version of lay theme
install thatand then create a screen recording of how it was before
this way i can compare it and see how it has changed
or maybe you can just change your transition settings?
@arminunruh I feel like slow frame rate and slower than before. As if the animation is stretched out.
I restored the old laythem version (6.5.3) and this is how the transition looked originally (very smooth and nice easing):
For comparison here's how it looked after the update to version 6.7.8: then reduced the time to 300ms to see if it's just running to slow, but the framerate and easing still looked very off:
Hope this helps. I'll keep laytheme on the old version for now :)
Felix -
thanks for the heads up
yea somehow the timing or easing is off i think
@arminunruh do you figure how it is affected by the update? In the new laytheme version I can't get the bezier easing function running anymore :( before it worked so well.
no i haven't gotten around to it yet
Before you post:
- When using a WordPress Cache plugin, disable it or clear your cache.
- Update Lay Theme and all Lay Theme Addons
- Disable all Plugins
- Go to Lay Options → Custom CSS & HTML, click "Turn Off All Custom Code", click "Save Changes"
This often solves issues you might run into
When you post:
- Post a link to where the problem is
- Does the problem happen on Chrome, Firefox, Safari or iPhone or Android?
- If the problem is difficult to explain, post screenshots / link to a video to explain it