@Alex-F hey man, if you go on one of your pages and click, 'Screen Options' at the very top right > Tick 'Gridder JSON' on, off and on again and a box of the page's gridder code will appear a little below, copy this and paste it into another page's Gridder Json box. Might not be perfect but should transfer the content over. I'd recommend to back up some of the pages first by duplicating them before doing this. Hope that helps.
copy whole gridder from one subsite to another subsite -
show image on text hover@frittata_studio hey, this is what you need: https://laytheme.com/addons/imagehover.html :)
Laykeymanager.comHey, this is a great feature! I was wondering if it was possible to delete/remove keys from here as well? I have a couple of subdomains setup which I accidentally removed on my server before deactivating the key. Would be great if we could remove them here so we don't need to hassle you, thanks!
how to avoid tags under the thumbnails@oncugultekin hey, go to Customise > Project Thumbnails > Project Tags > Visibility > Hide
Media Upload organizationHey, I'd recommend this plugin: https://ninjateam.org/wordpress-media-library-folders/
I'm using it for a website just now and it works really well and is compatible with LayTheme.
Row image background wrong side@Remco-van-Dun hey, I think it's a bug in the latest update. I've found a temporary solution if you use this code in your css:
.background-image img {
left: auto !important;
}Hopefully works for you as well! Cheers
Background images are moved since last Update.@fabiandraxl same issue for me, be great if this could be fixed! thanks armin!
Multiple text area on fullscreen slider@dmncn yeah sorry meant to say use 'browser height' like Armin suggested!
Next Project Link skipping projectshey, if you go to 'Projects' > 'All Projects', within that list is it the right order, does the list look like:
052If not you can drag up and down to fix the order and hopefully that should fix the next project link on your page.
Fixed row / one row at a time@Maquarius hey, if you use the 'full screen slider' addon on you can achieve this.
See here: https://laytheme.com/addons/fullscreen-slider.html
use cover option only on landing page@pabr hey, if you go to lay options > cover options > choose show a checkbox in page edit screen and then you can choose which page for the cover to work on.
HTML VIDEO MAXIMUM UPLOADING SIZEhey, I think you need to ask your webhost to increase the file limit upload.
Burger menu to show a custom page?@treh16 no problem! if you go with this you'll need to hide the standard mobile menu burger via css or both burgers will overlap. I used this recently:
.mobile-menu-icon {
display: none;
}.mobile-menu-style_1 .burger-wrap {
display: none;
}If you used a different 'style', change it from '1' to '2' or '3' etc
Hope that helps!
Burger menu to show a custom page?hey, if you use the overlay feature with the overlay burger selected you can use a custom page and it will override the standard mobile menu burger.
category filter for newshey, you can achieve this quite well by utilising news categories, the expand/collapse row feature and creating separate news elements. I just figured it out earlier. Let me know if you need further help.
Sticky texthey, I think if you put everything into a stack in one row then the whole sticky text block should move down with it. Hope that helps.
css greyscale filter for images@Jian-Haake hey, try this:
body.lightbox-css-on > .lay-content .grid-inner .col[data-type=elementgrid] .img img {
filter: grayscale(1);
Hope that helps!
sit carousel captions at bottom of page@arminunruh thanks Armin, really appreciate it!
Overlay, am I too stupid?@fabiandraxl hey Fabian, have you ticked, 'use as overlay' at the right hand side under the blue update button?
menupoint active custom css@antonia_viola hmm, if you've already added css for the nav for hover effect, if you just duplicate that code but replace, ':hover' with, ':active' that should work. I tried it on chrome inspector on your site and it worked.