hello all,
i have been working with laytheme for almost a year now. last week we changed host to improve website performance, and since then we have been getting some bugs that neither the host provider can explain neither us can understand.
The website in question is: https://atelierdata.com.
We have a logo on the website title (on the top left) that is not working propertly on our end right now and was working fine until we migrated the host. Host stated that it is not website or server issue.
I have troubleshoot it a bit and found out that if you link to the website with https://atelierdata.com/?nocache the website works fine. It also works fine when you connect to the website with for example https://atelierdata.com/projects.
But when we connect directly with https://atelierdata.com the top left logo doesnt apear.
Other thing that I discovered today, was that the logo apears on the preview menu of the costumize, but when i change it to the mobile version to preview it get an error.
Does anyone have any idea what can i do to fix this issue?
Thank you in advance