Jul 19, 2017, 12:28 PM
I had the problem that shortcode contents didnt show up.
Then i saw that the ids of the shortcode placeholder div and the shortcode content holder div where not the same:
<div class="lay-shortcode lay-textformat-parent" data-sc-source-id="1500466149080">
<div data-scid="1.50046614908E+12"><div class="test">Hello World!</div></div></div>
I could solve it by doing a number format in frontend/shortcodes.php:
$markup .= '<div data-scid="'.$occ["shortcodeid"].'">'.do_shortcode($shortcode).'</div>';
$markup .= '<div data-scid="'.number_format($occ["shortcodeid"], 0, "", "").'">'.do_shortcode($shortcode).'</div>';
Not the best way but now its working for me!
Kind regards, Michael