Hi Armin, @arminunruh
I also cannot update my wordpress from Version: 1.058 as it gives me a fatal error.
Is it possible for you to send me the new file as well?
Thank you so so much ( :
Hi Armin, @arminunruh
I also cannot update my wordpress from Version: 1.058 as it gives me a fatal error.
Is it possible for you to send me the new file as well?
Thank you so so much ( :
This same problem is happening to me... I can't press the ok button after copy-pasting the vimeo link, even if I remove the https://. Should I put my login details here for you to have a look? I need this to be done quite urgently too!
@arminunruh thank you so much! (-:
Thank you Lay theme! Happy with the outcome of my portfolio website found here:
I still have a few more things to fix but it's on its way! (-:
@arminunruh okay I managed to upload it in the end when I used google chrome! Thanks for replying!
@arminunruh I'm using Safari 7.1 on Mac OS X (Mavericks)!
Hello! I was wondering if anyone knows why I'm not able to insert a vimeo link within my project space. There is no warning that the link is typed wrong, it's just that it doesn't allow me to press the "ok" button and a "not allowed" sign appears beside my mouse cursor on hover as well. I've attached a screenshot for your reference (although I'm unable to show what my mouse cursor looks like when I hover over the "ok" button)! Thank you!!
This often solves issues you might run into