I am showing videos and I love the html5 player that comes with laytheme. However I need to remove the download button. I found this code online:
<video oncontextmenu="return false;" id="myVideo" autoplay controls controlsList="nodownload">
<source src="uploads/videos/<?php echo $vid;?>" type="video/mp4">
as well as this other tip: "Just add controlsList="nodownload" in your video tag."
But I haven't been able to locate where to add any of them.
I tried Customize CSS and add HTML in the page before and after my video but what happened is it added an empty player, either after my video or actually deleting my video.
Also, I am now posting from my personal account, I have lost the Laytheme Forum password to my professional account and haven't been able to retrieve it (I have tried the password reset many times)
Thank you for your help!