Gianna Burghartz
overlay on mobile -
fonts desktop and mobile -
fonts desktop and mobileI uploaded a font wich I want to use for my website. on my desktop version it works, on the mobile not. If I swicht on my laptop to my mobile version it looks goof, but if I test it on my iphone, there is a default font. does someone know why?
overlay on mobileI use overlay in my desktop version as burger navigation and also for e note about the price. now I wanted to test my mobile version and I found out that it’s not working. Does someone know why?
OverlayHi, I use overlay for my website to show a general information at the bottom of projects. now I would like to show this on some projectes but not everywhere. For example: not shown at HOME, CONTACT and WORKSHOPS. is this possible?
Or do I need to use FOOTER for that?And second question: can I use 2 overlay pages at the same time? one is shown only at HOME and the other one at some of my projects.