Mh, that's a bummer. Maybe you should communicate that on your website.
There is no way you get this info before you purchase it.
I guess it's not an option, because then i will have more work with the coding of the rest of the site. Your template is nice and i chose it because it works out of the box.
As you know, if my child theme has it's own functions.php it will not replace the parents function.php, but execute before. So, it will not break anything if one takes care.
remove the radio-options: just make a class Radio_Buttons_for_Taxonomies {} in my childs functions.php, so class_exists fires true and does not continue to register the plugin
if i add content through a shortcode in the laygridder, is not added to the ajax flow on the frontend, but added to the websites html after the ajax-container, bug or feature?
— LayShortcodes::get_shortcode_contents(); in index.php
add tags: why did you remove it? – i really want to know, because i registered it again with a hook to add_action
my functions.php looks like this now:
// initial register radio-buttons class, but empty, to fire class_exists true
class Radio_Buttons_for_Taxonomies {}
// re-registers taxonomy after the parents setup due to function priority
function add_post_type_support() {
register_taxonomy_for_object_type('post_tag', 'post');
add_action('init', 'add_post_type_support', 20);