I want to create a burger menu following the tutorial I found here: https://laytheme.com/tutorials/create-a-desktop-burger-menu-or-info-overlay.html
But my current issue is, that I can't seem to follow this tutorial because I do not have the possibility to activate the overlay feature:
What could be the root of this issue?
I thought it might me due to an old version of Lay Theme, but the Admin of the institution I am working for told me there are no updates available in their Dashbord right now. This following screenshot shows the version I am currently working with - I don't quite know if its Version 3.2.3 or 6.5.5 but looking at the Lay Theme Version history both are now outdated, right? So I am wondering why no updates seem to be available in the Dashboard. Could the issue also stem from missing Addon Updates?
Is there any other way to create a burger menu? I generally am struggling with creating a simple Drop Down Menu with some kind of Icon that functions as the "navigation knot".
Thanks for your help!!!