@mariusjopen any news? looking forward
Slower Loading Times after Update -
Slower Loading Times after UpdateThank you – looking forward!
Slower Loading Times after UpdateHey just updated to the newest version of lay theme, to basically increase the page load even tho it was quite ok. Now my loading times, especially on mobile, feel double as slow as before. Also Google Page Speed Insights look bad too at the moment. Any ideas? Thank you
reverse text color based on background color automaticallyHey,
trying to reverse text color (Site title + Navi) based on background color automatically. It should switch from white to black and vice versa. Since "mix-blend-mode: difference;" doesn't seem to work with lay theme, you guys maybe have another idea how to solve this?
Carousel Smooth AutoplayHey, gibt es für das Carousel eine Möglichkeit einen Dauerhaften Smooth Autoplay einzustellen? Soll eine flüssige Animation sein und nicht von Bild zu Bild swipen. Danke für euer Feedback.