Great new addon, congratulations!
I'm testing it and was wondering if is there a way to use it for thumbnails in a thumbnail grid.
Thank you!
Great new addon, congratulations!
I'm testing it and was wondering if is there a way to use it for thumbnails in a thumbnail grid.
Thank you!
Hi, how are you?
I'm having ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE in my site itmetestudio.com since I made the last update. I tried deactivating the Carousel becuase i saw some errors in the console.
So it works fine when Carousel is deactivated, and goes back to ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE when I activate it.
Can you help me? thank you
Thank you for creating it!
Thank you!
I'll wait for next update and also I'll try in the qTranslate community!
Hi @arminunruh
Thanks for the hint,
its not working with all the <p></p>, for now im not translating the thumbnail description, when I leave the same text in both languages there is no ussue.
Thanks again.
Hi @arminunruh,
Thanks for the answer, I will look into this.
I tried desactivating qTranslate-X... the plugin was doing the trouble, but I still need to it. Do you know how can i solve this? It only happens in the "Project description for Thumbail" box.
Thank you.
Hi @mariusjopen @arminunruh
how are you?
Im having this annoying issue, everytime i save a project a new <p></p> is added to the "Project description for Thumbail" box. It makes the space bigger from the title and the thumb.
I tried editing from the <> button but still happens, every time I update a new <p></p> is added.
I need to fix this, do you know what can be creating the problem ?
Thank you!
Hi @mariusjopen
how are you?
Im having this problem in http://motionprinciples.com/ since last update,
the vimeo videos are not showing up, I can see them in the gridder, but not online.
Do you know what can it be?
Thank you!
Hi @mariusjopen
Thanks for answering. Yes, this codes work on JSfiddle
Here are both examples:
I can't figure out why is not woriking on Laytheme, I tried changing the postition of .thumbnial-wrap to "position: static", and add "float: left", but still not working.
I'm missing something and I dont know what it is.
Thank you!
Hi @mariusjopen
Hope your doing fine in this times of pandemia and isolation.
Im trying to randomize the order in my projects Thumbnail grid:
This are the codes I tried, I know they work becuase i tried them in a jsfiddle, but for some reason they are not working in the grid, maybe you can give me a hint:
jQuery(function () {
var parent = jQuery(".thumb-collection");
var divs = parent.children();
while (divs.length) {
parent.append(divs.splice(Math.floor(Math.random() * divs.length), 1)[0]);
jQuery(".thumb-collection").php(jQuery(".thumb-collection .thumbnail-wrap").sort(function(){
return Math.random()-0.5;
Thank you!
Hi, how are you?
Is there a way to use the #search button to search by categories or tags also? not only by title projects.
Thank you for this amazing theme!
Hi @edgrbnz @mariusjopen,
I use always Chrome, I tried in Safari and it works fine.
So I deleted the last chrome extension I installed and now its working in chrome!
The extension was MyUS Shopping.
I suppose is a Laytheme issue, from some of the late updates, because other websites with the intro activated are having the same problem.
@mariusjopen any idea about this?
HI, how are you?
Im having a problem when activating the intro,
I can't click in any button or link after the intro is over,
it seems like the intro image is still there but in opacity: 0, or something like that.
here you can see it
I also tried other laythme website with the intro activated and the same happens, like in this website: https://www.studiogameiro.com/
How can i resolve this?
Hi @mariusjopen
Its works!
Thank you!
Hi @mariusjopen
Thanks for the answer
I already tried with that trick, but they are not working in LayTheme Menu, thats why Ichanged the <ul></ul> for <ol></ol> from the theme document, but didn't work either.
Maybe the best will be to build a from scratch a menu in the 'html content'
What do you think?
Thank you!
Hi! how are you?
I think this is an easy thing to do, but its not working.
I want the menu items to have numbers like a list in http://www.delfinaraban.com, like this:
I tried changing "<ul></ul>" to "<ol></ol>" in the menu.php document in the theme files:
'<nav class="laynav '.$menu_type.'">
and add some custom css:
nav.laynav ol {
list-style-type: decimal !important;
Can somebody help me with this?
Hi @mariusjopen
It never worked since I installed it.
Can I try deactivating LayThame without losing my content and setting?
Hola @Vicky-Lamas
justo entré al foro para buscar algo y vi tu posteo, je
proba con esto en el custom css:
.sink-only-numbers.lay-carousel-sink .numbers {
color: white !important;
This often solves issues you might run into