Thank you! That seemed to do the trick.
Rows not showing (cover feature)about 4 hours ago -
Rows not showing (cover feature)about 6 hours agoNo, this happens on my Mac in Safari or Chrome Browsers.
Rows not showing (cover feature)about 6 hours agoHello,
for the site, there is a consistent use of the cover feature, that you will see working on some pages (like Recordings). With the new updates however, it stopped working for the About/Startpage and also the Concerts page. The rows under the first one just don't show. They may come back after a refresh, but can disappear again upon the next refresh. On Concerts which features a News Element in the second row, you see only a part of the news (the dates) scrolling over the cover image, but without background or the rest of the news elements. Some users say, that on mobil they have to scroll quite a lot without anything happening bevore the 2nd row pulls over the cover. This happens on MacOS in Safari or Chrome Browsers. All plugins are disabled, Cache has been cleared before (including DNS cache). I hope I don't overlook anything. Thanks for having a look. -
transparent PNG's in Element grid make the background color appear7 days agoSolved it by deactivating the image placeholder color!
transparent PNG's in Element grid make the background color appear7 days agoHi! With the latest update all of my element grids got screwed up: The transparent background of the png's now shows the background-color of the page:
What can I do??!
Thank you...
Vertical Space between News ElementsDec 20, 2023, 11:13 AMSorry.
Sorting issue:
→ use the left "menu" to switch between upcoming/past → sorting changes and is restored when refreshingSpacing Issue:
→ Should be the same vertical spacing as on the above mentioned pages, but when I added the second news item, there was this excessive vertical spaceOK, Spacing issue:
Vertical Space between News ElementsDec 18, 2023, 12:11 PMSorting issue temporarily fixed through adding
to all links to these pages within the website -
Vertical Space between News ElementsDec 17, 2023, 3:15 PMI also managed to recreate the bug: See
which is a duplicate from
just with another row that has another news element in it.- Additional vertical spacing in both news lists
- The first news list has "Show line" unchecked, but still shows the line.
But the sorting issue is more pressing, shall I open a new bug report or is there anywhere I can learn about news sorting?
Vertical Space between News ElementsDec 17, 2023, 2:50 PMOK, strange I can't recreate the bug. You can see in my screenshot from yesterday that there was excessive space. It's working now. I can try again, if you want.
But now, I have another, more urgent problem with the news, it's the sorting.
Can you please visit:
And then click on "past" / "upcoming", and then refresh after the page has loaded. You can see the sorting changes, only after refresh it is the way it should be. (It should be "next first" on upcoming concerts and "most recent first" on past concerts – I used the publication date of the news to give them an order: ) -
Vertical Space between News ElementsDec 17, 2023, 1:16 PMI just found out what the bug is:
Second News Element on same page creates excessive space (and possibly also the other problem → not being able to delete the line anymore.My settings are: show full content, no date, no title, no separator.
As the long as the bug persists, I will place the 2nd element on a different page. -
Vertical Space between News ElementsDec 16, 2023, 6:11 PMPS:
Disabling "show line" in "Edit News Element" → More
does not make the line disappear.PPS:
Same problem when I add the news element freshly. -
Vertical Space between News ElementsDec 16, 2023, 6:07 PMHello,
I have used the news function to display a list of concerts. Each concert is a news. Layout of news display is: Show full content. From one day to the next, there is excessive vertical space under each element and before the separator line. It does not come from the news itself, neither the frame, nor offsets of single elements.The settings of the news element where I can set "Space above line / below row" also don't affect this excessive space.
Is there any idea what this could come from, or: how I could adress it via CSS?
All the best!!)
Fullscreen Slider hide menu when scrolling downDec 11, 2022, 12:09 PM@arminunruh
So, an active Fullscreen Slider seems to:- make Site Title AND Primary Menu fixed
- disable all the option like "fade out …" or "move up when scrolling down", right?
For a current website project I'd like to have menu and side title disappear when scrolling down the first row with Fullscreen Slider, either because they're not fixed, or (better) disappearing in any way through the scroll down movement.
Do you think this is an easy fix or better to not wait for it?
Fix image at certain scroll position & disable Link function of Project ThumbnailsDec 9, 2022, 4:36 PMIs there any help available?
Maybe I didn't make it clear enough: This is a paid job. .-) -
Fix image at certain scroll position & disable Link function of Project ThumbnailsDec 7, 2022, 1:46 PMHello dear people,
for a website project there are 2 things I need help for:
Fix an image (left column) when it has reached a certain position, while the content on the right keeps on moving with scrolling.
I used the project thumbnails function only to be able to show text on hover. However I don't want the thumbnails to be leading away to the project itself .
Is there anybody willing to help me with this? I will recompensate your effort and time.
Fullscreen Slider hide menu when scrolling downNov 29, 2022, 4:42 PM@arminunruh Thanks!
Fullscreen Slider hide menu when scrolling downNov 20, 2022, 8:53 PMHello,
is there any way to use one of these options for the primary menu
"move away when scrolling down"
"fade out when scrolling down"– when fullscreen slider with auto scroll is active on the page? I don't seem to get it to work.
Tobias -
No gridder anymore in desktop view / update 4.7.5Oct 28, 2022, 8:32 PM@hannesmalo @arminunruh I might have experienced something similar. When I visited the website today, all values (frames, gutters, offsets etc.) were almost completely gone. When I did the site I set those values in % but they were now set in px. Changing this setting in the gridder default fixed most of it, i think.
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