i was wondering if it is possible to allign the menu with the gridder settings.
i searched the forum multiple times and never found a working solution for my settup.
i have a 12 column grid and my footer elememts using the first,8th,10th and 12th column.
i want to replicate the same order for my site title and 3 three menu points but allways failed to allign them with %set.
my workaround was to add simple buttons on every site in the correct columns which seems to work aslong as my "fake" menu isnt fixxed.
my last menu item is right alligned and as soon as i set a html class the righ alligned item jumps out the viewport...
i minimized the container for the item and set it to be left alligned which works way better but still isnt the best solution.
any tipps on how to fix the problem?