@mariusjopen Ok so I've tried to deactivate my Custom JS and CSS but there's still nothing on the website but when I inspect the website I can see all the HTML code etc.. but the page is still black.
Thanks for your help Marius
@mariusjopen Ok so I've tried to deactivate my Custom JS and CSS but there's still nothing on the website but when I inspect the website I can see all the HTML code etc.. but the page is still black.
Thanks for your help Marius
@mariusjopen Yes I have installed CUSTOM CSS & JS and there's some line into css. If I deactivate it I'll not lose my code ?
And yes WP and Laytheme are both up to date...
Thanks for your help Marius!!
Have a great day,
Hey guys, I've recently updated one website I've worked on and after that I realized, my website was blank, in the inspector, there's error 404...
Any help ? :'(
Hey @arminunruh & @mariusjopen
I'm back with a question for q-Translate, I can't change the language menu to flag even using the small code :
I mean the language menu keep "english" "Français" .. but no flag, did I miss something ?
Thanks for your help :)
@mariusjopen Yes yes good Thanks btw :-)
@mariusjopen Aslo I realized when I switch to CAT, my second menu is moving
@mariusjopen I've replied to another topics sending the link of my website :-)
Hi @mariusjopen thanks for the reply, I spent 3 days searching for a solution I need to fix it today...
here is the website. I also have a problem with my projects thumbnails title who doesn't translate to catalan in the page "things I make"
Thanks for your help
Hello there,
I have a problem with my project thumbnails title, when I want to switch the language of the page where I've put my projects thumbnails the languages title doesn't change.
But if I put in a thumbnail grid, then the language swith but I don't want a thumbnail grid..
Any idea ?
Thanks thanks thanks !
Hey Armin and Marius,
After working on qTranslate-XTn I have problem when I want to switch my page language. For example, if I'm in my "about page" in English and I want to switch to Catalan version, I'll be redirected to the homepage or another page, but not the "about page" in Catalan. How can I fixe this problem ?
Thanks a lot!!
Hello there,
I'm looking since few days to customize some positions of project thumbnail image.
I'm in a category and I want to have my projects thumbnails title only, and on hover having the image but not at the top position, but behind the title, on the right side and change the opacity? Is that possible ?
Because I've tried to give an div class to my projects thumb. and then customize in the CSS like this :
.test .thumb-rel{
visibility: hidden; }
.test:hover .thumb-rel{
visibility: visible; }
But when I tried to change the position or to put a z-index to put at the back nothing happen.
And the same as a last topic I've seen from 2018, if I leave my image with
Then my thumbnail-box is still here but empty, did you find a way to change this ?
Thanks a lot top help me!!!
Hello there,
I'm looking since few days to customize some positions of project thumbnail image.
I'm in a category and I want to have my projects thumbnails title only, and on hover having the image but not at the top position, but behind the title, on the right side and change the opacity? Is that possible ?
Because I've tried to give an div class to my projects thumb. and then customize in the CSS like this :
.test .thumb-rel{
visibility: hidden; }
.test:hover .thumb-rel{
visibility: visible; }
But when I tried to change the position or to put a z-index to put at the back nothing happen.
And the same as a last topic I've seen from 2018, if I leave my image with
Then my thumbnail-box is still here but empty, did you find a way to change this ?
Thanks a lot top help me!!!
@mariusjopen Thanks for the answer, ok I'll ask differently, On my page, I've put titles with a link inside for the project and I wanted my arrows to switch from a project to another (they're all in the same category). But doesn't work and I don't how can do it in another way
Because I thought maybe to no put directly the project thumbnail but just a text with link to my project, but when I'm doing this, arrows can't works to naviguate between projects from same category
Hello @mariusjopen and @arminunruh ,
I would like to know if there's a way to have multi project thumbnail style?
Have one category where projects thumbnails will showed in one way and on another way I'd like another style for another category have something like this:
Thanks a looot
@mariusjopen Oh fuuuck, I was looking somewhere else... THAAAANKS
@mariusjopen I didn't find it ...
@arminunruh Thanks! But I can't custom Language Switcher Menu, they said to change this : #qtransLangSw?# but doesn't work, I would like to have the 2 first letters
@arminunruh Well it's good now, I've used "+embed" instead of "+video > +youtube/vimeo"
This often solves issues you might run into