Thankyou @arminunruh that's exactly what I needed and worked perfectly.
Sorting the order of category names -
images not loading in overlay pagesOk always the way lol. I'll send through. I got it eventually working last night, but without any real logic. I duplicated a page that worked, swapped the image over, and for some reason that one worked. The original page just wouldn't...
Google noindex problem@Nzagamba I've found a setting that I think is the culprit. In WP Settings > Reading, there is a section at the bottom called "Search engine visibility". Ensure that the checkbox is not ticked next to it. It toggles "Discourage search engines from indexing this site".
Mine was ticked. Once I unticked it, the site stopped displaying the noindex meta tag. I'm waiting to now see if Google Search Console is able to crawl it.