hi @arminunruh correct, that's the concept.
maybe there is an option that I didn't think of.
possibly mirroring via .css and applying the right fonts to text.
but generally numbers, dates and some exceptions exist where RTL will read as LTR, in arabic.
LAY RTL-Support for arabic -
LAY RTL-Support for arabicHi LAY dev-team,
I was wondering if you're already thinking/working on a way to implent RTL-support (right-to-left) for lay-theme? I'm soon taking on a project for an arabic translation agency where RTL will be mandatory... If I'm not wrong there is no option, yet. I thought it could be interesting for you developers to possibly widening the audience of LAY and to give it a shot, starting the discussion about it.thanks for your reply.
best regards, M. -
WooCommerce – breadcrumbsHi @arminunruh, any news on the topic? thanks in advance!
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