So I've made the thumbnails of featured projects all the same dimensions, so they look clean in Carousel... Not ideal because those proportions don't necessarily make sense for those projects... But it's OK for now.
So I've made the thumbnails of featured projects all the same dimensions, so they look clean in Carousel... Not ideal because those proportions don't necessarily make sense for those projects... But it's OK for now.
OK so the trick is to give each dummy project its own ID? I'll try that... Thanks!
I use a thumbnail grid on the landing page. And that's perfectly fine the way it is.
In project pages, I am separately placing thumbnails of dummy projects to get the mouse-over image-swap effect, and want to turn off the hyperlink to the dummy project.
... thanks!
Seems strange that images in carousel can not be hyperlinked, no?
Nevermind! I deleted it, and then reinstalled, and now it works :)
Same thing here. Nothing happens when i click +Carousel, on Chrome, Safari, or Opera.
Any ideas? Thanks...
Thank you... But it isn't working. I've managed to only turn off all behavior for the dummy thumbnail, so that it doesn't even mouse over anymore... No luck in only turning off the hyperlink. Any other pointers? Thanks!
OK thanks! I am CSS virgin but will try to put in ````pointer-events: none;````` :)
What do i input for giving elements a custom class for turning off project titles for each thumbnail?
Moocho Grassy Ass!
Hey thanks for the answer.
But I don't see a "Max-Width For Whole Website" option in Lay Options?
There is only a "Max width of content" option, which is for each image, right?
So that all images stop expanding at a certain point,
like on this site:
"Max Width of Content" would work if it is by percentage.
But it's by pixels...
which doesn't work because the smaller and larger images need different pixel limits obviously!
This should be possible? I really hope?
Appreciate any pointers. Cheers
I would like to show another image upon mouse-over and hover on portfolio images.
Only way seems to be by turning portfolio images into thumbnails of another project.
But then how to deactivate the hyperlink on the thumbnail which opens up the embedded project (which obv. should not be accessible)? Should be possible?
Also, turning off the title for thumbnails in "Customise" turns it off for all of them, including those on category pages, for which I would like the thumbnails to show titles if possible (But this is a minor issue).
Have tried to do mouse-over image change with HTML code,
which works, but makes resizing behaviour very weird and not acceptable.
Or additional plug-ins, which I hesitate to instal...
There must be an easier way to do this simple thing???
big thanks in advance.
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