Dear @Olga-V
The Class for the X-icon ( there are a few depending on container heirachy) is burger-wrap (outer) or mobile-menu-icon (inner).
Screen Shot 2021-10-12 at 11.18.22 AM.png
It should be noted however that the x icon (open) has the same class naming as the default (closed) burger icon:
Open Burger:
Screen Shot 2021-10-12 at 11.21.00 AM.png
Closed Burger:
Screen Shot 2021-10-12 at 11.21.08 AM.png
To get around this we can take advantage of active class. When the burger menu opens and changes to the x-icon, the class active is added to laynav or mobile-nav.
So you can specify to make sure you are dealing with the x-icon, E.g:
.active .burger-wrap{
.active .mobile-menu-icon{
Hope this helps Olga and have a wonderful day 🏖