is it possible to somehow change the text formatting of the replacement text of the "collapsed row" link? Sorry if it has been asked before, I couldn't find anything when I searched
is it possible to somehow change the text formatting of the replacement text of the "collapsed row" link? Sorry if it has been asked before, I couldn't find anything when I searched
Damn I didn't find that solution, would've been much easier! Thank you very much :)
Sorry about the adress, there was a configuration error and its the wrong one, I sent you the correct one. Can you delete the adress here? Don't know if someone could abuse it somehow
I fixed it, it was just because my links had a slash before the #hashtag.
So I wrote www.mysite.com#tag instead of www.mysite.com/#tag and it worked immediately.
I finally made it work! It wasn't visible because I was hiding the site title, the HTML link and the lay theme site title seem to be interlinked somehow? I got it working now anyway! Also, the reloading of the page was triggered simply because I had a slash / in front of the #hashtag, after I removed that, it scrolls buttery smooth to the anchor. Man I struggled so hard :D Thanks for your help Armin!
So I just made a simple test page (https://lukasrabl.com/test/) and the scroll animation is working perfectly fine there, using this Jquery code:
jQuery('body').on('click', '.js-scrollTo', function(event) {
var id = jQuery(this).attr('href');
jQuery('html, body').animate( { scrollTop: jQuery(id).offset().top }, 750 );
The links I used were in elements on the page itself, like in a text box. But when I use links in the menu to scroll to different parts, it doesn't work. So maybe the error is somewhere there?
I tried your suggestion but its not working :( No link is shown on the page. Maybe fixing a text box at the top of the page that I make a "go up" button (like described here: http://laythemeforum.com:4567/topic/6175/fixing-a-text-element-in-the-foreground/2) would work in this case, too? But when I tried that it didn't work, too, sadly
Hello, I'm trying to figure out how to make a custom link in a menu make a smooth scroll to an anchor on the same page, it's driving me nuts at this point tbh :D It always just jumps to the anchor with what seems to be a reload of the page but not with a smooth scroll.
My setup is: I have custom links in a menu (www.mysite.com/#tag) and I have given some elements on the page an ID, I also declared their class as "anchor".
I tried using the code from these threads (and many more), but nothing worked:
As I have basically no coding knowledge, I can't really figure out what I am doing wrong currently, so help would be greatly appreciated
I think you can just right click in a row and set up its background image and make that just a single color
Hello, I added a second menu that I use as the site title (so I can add a custom link to it) instead of the "regular" site title. The regular site title scales fine down to phone size, but the second menu I added just disappears on phone. Would be crucial for me if it wouldn't, but I can't find the error. Second menu works (top left):
Second menu gone:
awesome, thanks a lot!
I deleted the page and started with a fresh install again 😅 thx for helping out
So I just deleted the page that I declared as the front page in the customizer menu and now the option to customize the front page is entirely missing. Any way to restore it?
So it just happened that suddenly there are no columns showing up when I try to create a new page or project, only the frame of the gridder is visible. Changing the column amount doesn't bring them back. I don't use any custom code or plugins, its the "vanilla" Lay Theme. It's the same with different browsers and a cleared cache