yes, it does! Many thanks, @arminunruh !!
Hide single menu item6 days ago -
Some images w/ y-offset have a strange overlap/cutoffMar 31, 2022, 11:27 AMHi @richard & @arminunruh,
just discovered that the two last images in one project were cut off at the top as well. The strange thing is that this only happened in one project.
body.lay-transition-elements-on-scroll .row:last-child {
overflow: initial !important;}did the trick for me, too.
Once there is a fix for this: do I then have to remove that custom CSS?
Problem with LightboxFeb 1, 2020, 1:27 PMHi,
this is only day three of me using Lay Theme, so please excuse if this is a stupid question.
I want to use Lightbox in my projects, so I have checked Lightbox on in the project edit screen and I have also checked "active for all categories" in the plugin settings.
Problem is, Lightbox runs only randomly. When I access the project directly via url it works most of the time. But if I access the project through clicking on the thumbnail on the categories page Lightbox most of the time will not work. I tested it on Safari and Firefox.
Hope you can help.
Before you post:
- When using a WordPress Cache plugin, disable it or clear your cache.
- Update Lay Theme and all Lay Theme Addons
- Disable all Plugins
- Go to Lay Options → Custom CSS & HTML, click "Turn Off All Custom Code", click "Save Changes"
This often solves issues you might run into
When you post:
- Post a link to where the problem is
- Does the problem happen on Chrome, Firefox, Safari or iPhone or Android?
- If the problem is difficult to explain, post screenshots / link to a video to explain it