hello, in case someone has the same problems.
I think this is a webhost issue, I'm not sure if it's a lay theme issue.
This is what has solved it for now:
In chrome when you disable caching for the browser, you see the changes you did in the gridder immediately on the website.
Here is how to disable caching temporarily for chome:
https://www.google.de/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=chrome disable cache
The same can be done in safari:
I guess your webhost kind of makes browsers cache the website more aggressively.
We also did these steps but I'm not sure if that did anything:
deactivated "jetpack" plugin (not sure if that did anything)
I asked him to deactivate anything on his webhost like "caching", "cloudflare", "supercacher" or "speed improvements"
In case I find out more about this and in case it is fixable for lay theme I will try and fix this.