I have the same problem with these files and Wordpress isn't showing correctly the gridder.
You can see the problem in this page :
Lay theme version 3.8.2
Wordpress 5.7.1
Thank you,
I have the same problem with these files and Wordpress isn't showing correctly the gridder.
You can see the problem in this page :
Lay theme version 3.8.2
Wordpress 5.7.1
Thank you,
I am finishing a website with lay theme and I have a major problem on the site.
It is displayed perfectly on all browsers except Safari 9 and 9.1 where it is not displayed at all.
The site does not load the content of the tag "<div id="laytheme"></div>".
Does anyone have a solution?
Here is the link to the site: https://camilleboileau.com
Thank you,
Safari 12
Safari 9.1
Hello Marius,
Sorry for this very late response. The site was still not finished.
Your solution works very well for me.
You can see the result at this address if you want:
Hello everyone,
I would like to use scrollreveal (https://scrollrevealjs.org) with lay theme, but I have some problems.
Scrollreveal works perfectly with the div (class=".box") that I integrate on the website via the "custom css and html" part, but it does not work at all on the div created in the lay theme grid.
Do you know where the problem may come from?
The plugin may be simply incompatible with lay theme.
Have a good day,
Hey !
I managed to use lightbox plugin in the text after few hours of work. I've fiddling "app-min.js" and the plugin is almost OK. You can see the result on youtube. The website is not currently online.
Thanks anyway for your answer.
Hello !
Thank's for this tutorial.
I have a question.
Is it possible to use the lightbox plugin with img in the text ?
I can not make it work.
(sorry for my bad english)
This often solves issues you might run into