Hey Armin,
My About-page only loads on refresh and I don't know what to do anymore. The front page loads pretty fine. But when I click the "about"-link, the page shows up empty (only the menu remains visible).
Not sure about those instructions (https://laytheme.com/troubleshooting.html#nothing-shows-up) since I don't see a code when scrolling down the page "permalink"...
Here's the website, I'm talking about: http://milieu-digital.com/
Any idea what is going on? Tried going to the Permalink menu and hitting "Save" again, but no luck here. Could it be my webhoster? The other 2 pages load perfectly fine, so not sure how to solve this issue.
I am using the Chrome browser and the newest version. Attached you will find the issue-report (console) and a screenshot of the website.
Bildschirmfoto 2020-08-22 um 15.16.52.png
Bildschirmfoto 2020-08-22 um 15.28.22.png
Many thanks in advance for your help!