Hello there,
Really proud to show you my brand new website:
I wanted it to be like some sort of my child room. Hope you'll appreciate.
Thanks Armin for the work you've done and continue to do.
Hello there,
Really proud to show you my brand new website:
I wanted it to be like some sort of my child room. Hope you'll appreciate.
Thanks Armin for the work you've done and continue to do.
Yes it helped me a lot, thanks! I've finished my website now! Thank you so much for your quick answers!
Hey Armin (you have the same name than a character in Attack On Titan, heavy!)
Thanks for all the answers. I don't know how but the "front page" options appeared 1 day or 2 after I posted! So I can customize my website as I want now.
I have other questions though. I have an intro image but it doesn't appear on smartphones and pads. Is that possible?
Yeah I know a thing or two about css and html coding. Enough to do what I want. The thing is that I want my mouseover effects on my tagline and on one link in my menu. Can I?
Many thanks for answering me and thanks for the huge work done here! Keep it up!
Hey everyone,
Some questions. First I wanna do a unique page website. I've read some things about it like I have to create a page and put it as the first page in the "customize" section. Problem, I don't have any option named "first page" in this section... Anyone knows what do I have to do?
Then in that only page, I wanna have a static menu on the left with my logo and only one or two links under. Can I do that?
I want a parrallax effect too, it's an image that appears in the front page and when you scroll down, it disappears through the top, letting the fixed menu I want appearing. Can I do that?
Last thing I promise, I would like to have a mouseover reaction on a text. I would like it to change in a different text, is that possible?
Sorry for so much questions, hope to have solutions here.
Thanks everyone in advance! And thanks Armin for this wonderful theme!
Great day!
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