I'm getting this error , after migrating my hosting ... i wrote an email on licensekeys@laytheme.com , but no response ..
I'm in a bit of a hurry :) Thanks
I'm getting this error , after migrating my hosting ... i wrote an email on licensekeys@laytheme.com , but no response ..
I'm in a bit of a hurry :) Thanks
hey @mariusjopen ~ thanks for replying
i'm a total noob when it comes to web / wordpress environment , so please excuse if i'm missing something obvious .
so what i understand from @spontans code , applied to my project is this
if($("body").hasClass("slug-welcome")) {
var videosrc = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1;
var homeurl = 'http://telegraf.studio/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/'';
videopath = homeurl+videosrc+'.mp4';
$('video source').attr('src', videopath);
i've modified the slug-home2 on the first line to my page name : slug-welcome
the math.floor is modified from 6 to 2 , in my case i would like to have just 2 movies in the folder
the path is also changed to my media folder that contains the movies.
should i also modify $ to JQuery ?
where do i place this code ? i've read about custom css/html , but just adding this to custom html head dose not
work .
@spontans said in Random Video Backgrounds on Homepage:
Frontend.GlobalEvents.on("newpageshown", function(layoutObj, type, obj)
how will you approach this in 2020 ?
i want to have the same , a script the randomly loads a video for the background page.
the page i'm working on is http://telegraf.studio /
thank you /
This often solves issues you might run into