Thanks Arminunruh
so if I use the following
jQuery(document).on("click", ".id-28 .element-collection .element-wrap", function(event) {
var slideno = jQuery(this).find("img").attr("alt");
window.location.href = '/portfolio#' + slideno;
var urlhash = window.location.hash.substr(1);
window.laytheme.on('newpageshown', function(){
var mySwiper = document.querySelector('.swiper-container').swiper;
// Now you can use all slider methods like
mySwiper.slideTo(urlhash, 1, false);
no matter what slider method I use I get error like "TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'mySwiper.slideTo')" this suggest a timing issue as the object is not there can you see where I am going wrong.
Thanks for your help.