Hi folks, I'm trying to style an html5 audio player and im getting some funny results.
The main issue is that there is an element that shows when you mouse over - I think it must be the menu/controlslist button. As that element (despite being turned off) shows when you mess about with the width of the element - if you make it too small the play button disapears and you're left with the menu button - very odd.
I made an SO post that documents it https://stackoverflow.com/questions/78964809/styling-html5-audio-player-hover-issues?noredirect=1#comment139228306_78964809 but havent had much success. In the process I also made a quick codepen to reproduce the issue and weirldy the audio player looks how I want it! So I'm thinking maybe something from laytheme is cascading down?
any help would be greatly appreciated.. I've run out of ideas!